CategoryFiled under: West Tennessee Counties

Fayette County, TN is a fast-growing area. I know, I’m one of its new residents. Many families who work and previously lived in Memphis are making the move east across the county line for a better quality of life and lower property taxes.

Call Stegall Law Firm at 901-205-9894 for more information

With the number of families moving in, parents need to know about the juvenile court system and how juveniles are treated when charged with a crime. For most parents, it’s unlikely that their son or daughter would ever be arrested. But if it does happen, you’re going to want to know a good Fayette County criminal attorney. This article will answer some basic questions and provide valuable information. If a juvenile is arrested for a felony charge, he or she will be held in the youth detention center and will have a court date the next business day. At this hearing the judge will decide whether to release him or keep him in jail until trial. Usually most first-offense juveniles, even if charged with felonies, will be eligible for release before trial. The only time he or she might be kept in custody is when it’s a very serious charge such as murder or rape. How do you defend against a juvenile felony charge such as burglary, robbery or a sex crime? As a parent you can always elect to have a trial, but with the stress of trial, especially on someone so young, there may be better options for keeping it off his or her record. Juvenile courts are not in the business of simply locking up first-time offenders. Even for serious offenses the court is willing to give a second chance. Probation is frequently available, combined with counseling and community service for youths who need it. A Somerville juvenile criminal lawyer can work with the prosecutor, judge, and probation officer to insure that your child gets the help they need, and is not punished greater than necessary. Misdemeanors are treated much the same way. Common juvenile misdemeanors include shoplifting, disorderly conduct, underage drinking, and simple drug possession. Your attorney can work with the prosecutor or the probation officer to make sure the charge is handled properly. More than anything, this means keeping it off the juvenile’s record. This may mean probation or community service, after which the attorney can file a petition to have the charge expunged or the case sealed. After receiving a misdemeanor juvenile summons, call a lawyer who handles youth crimes. If your son or daughter has been charged with an offense in Fayette County, contact Somerville TN juvenile defense lawyer Patrick Stegall. Mr. Stegall is an experienced criminal attorney who specializes in helping first-time offenders keep charges off their record. You can reach him by phone at (901) 205-9894 or email at

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